I love the iPod and will probably switch to an iPod/iPhone. Everybody is trying to run after Apple but no one really made it. From my modest user experience there are a few things that combined together would be the killer product (meaning a much better compelling user experience and usage value) i would buy instead of an iPod for the same price
- Wireless Sync with rules. I hate to sync my ipod by having to connect it to my PC i want to tell my iPod to sync according to rules i set. Make it Bluetooth and Wifi for the same price
- Player sold with a cradle. I can't believe Apple does not sell the iPod with a cradle make it stand nicely on your desk
- No need for special soft. i Hate iTunes (specially the fact you need to create a library to import your tunes). already said it. I want to be able to manage my files just like i do on a regular explorer
- Open to all main sounds formats: not just AAC and Mp3 but all of them (Ogg, Wav,...) no more need to encode.
- Does not require video encoding: reads all main formats natively including Divx and automatically encodes to fit the screen
- A back stick.When i travel i need to hold my iPod to see what's on it. I want a small back stick to make it hold right on the go
- Display the number of songs by album/artist. This is a stupid details but i never remember the music i have in my iPod and even less how many songs are added per artist/album. this would be helpful to know if i want to hear this artist/album without having to click in the file
- Exploration mode within shuffle: I most of the time use the shuffle mode. but sometimes i like a song/artist and i want to access more of this artist or album. I want to do that VERY often.
- Regular USB connector. I want to have one connector for everything. Of course apple does not use any standard connector.
- A smart protective skin with control access for moving/traveling. The first thing your iPod will suffer from are scratches. this is inevitable, from day 1. Specially the screen. This is not a gadget but a must have: something that protects my screen (that is sold lots of money separately). or even better a anti scratch screen.
- bonus: the iPod headset is really crap. no noise reduction and no remote control.
- bonus 2: a simple embedded fm tuner and microphone.
I am assuming here this new device would have the same killer features the iPod already have including battery life, user interface and great design. Since we all know we pay a premium on the iPod because this is an apple product, i am sure that you can make most of those for the same price. Most of those do not need special R&D or imagination. This is just repackaging of existing and even cheap stuff
Someone listening?
update: someone took that story to DIGG and it looks like at this speed it will end up soon close to the homepage. i must have touched a sensitve subject :)
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