The past 72h have been for me a business case on how you can with zero budget generate a stunning PR campaign.
Most Startups believe you need to hire a PR firm to get your PR coverage. This indeed can help. But the key is not the coverage itself but the message. The stronger the message, the stronger the impact on the coverage.
A post on TechCrunch or an article in the NYT will get you awareness and traffic but that's not enough. If the message is not strong enough, it won't trigger the wave effect you expect from a PR campaign, usually called BUZZ.
What we have done with AppsFire this week can illustrate that. What we realized is that actually the App Store is a fantastic engine but a terribly closed one. The most critical aspect of it: analytics. There is no data on the App store dynamic. Apple has it, but except top ranks and high overview data, there is nothing.
So we thought it would be a powerful idea to use our AppsFire intelligence to produce data that no one has produced before, like the average price of a paid app, the average spent per app...
We put that in a slide format and forwarded it to a few blogs. TechCrunch was the first to take it. The effect was immediate. Before that, i want to mention that i have been covered on TC many times and observed many times startups being covered on TC not generating this wave of impact. Again. Coverage is not Buzz
Some data
- We became top slide of the week in SlideShare (all categories included viewed 6k times +/- * 47 embeds)
- We were on home page for 24h
- We were on top news for 48h
- We received coverage from at least 50 tops blogs
- hundreds of mention in Twitter
- our blog traffic has exploded (X 20)
- Today we released some more data and again ReadWriteWeb has covered us, and the buzz moves on..
- our service is exploding in traffic and adoption
So what is the take away?
Find a black box in your field. A critical one. Find a way to crack it. Make it first and fast. And push the news. Cost of this operation. ZERO.