I don't know if those private valuations are right or not. But they should be an approximate ballpark and i focused only on the rock stars.
it s likely those companies get acquired at some point. What this means is that in the next 5 years the amount of "near certain" exit volume in the internet space should be superior to 15 Bn$
airbnb - 3bn$
Twitter - 5bn$
Uber - 1bn$
Spotify - 1.5Bn$
Etsy - 1Bn$
Evernote - 1Bn$
Whatsapp - 1Bn$
Dropbox - 2Bn$
Deezer - 1Bn$
That's a lot of money
note: i purposefully ignored all the new games corporations because their trajectory is still uncertain as we saw with Zynga
ooVoo... $1B
Posted by: Clement | 16 December 2012 at 07:37 PM
OK pour ta liste... sauf pour Deezer. Je ne me souviens pas d'une startup française étant partie pour 1B$. Or Deezer est une startup d'un milieu assez précaire (la musique en ligne), donc je ne comprend pas une telle valuation.
Posted by: Louis | 17 December 2012 at 10:49 AM