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08 July 2012



I'm actually using this app a lot and in most cases don't have any issues with my contacts.
Only sometimes I get a wrong picture for a contact or unrelated contacts get merged somehow.
On the other hand, I get the most updated info about my contacts which is nice.
I would suggest a nice app called Smartr, from the creators of xobni. All contacts in one place without actually merging them.

Robbie Glenns

I used to have an HTC, now I use iPhone 4S. I have learned to manage my contacts manually and to back them up in case something goes wrong during an iCloud or Exchange sync. I am using CopyTrans Contacts for the iPhone contact backup and editing part and am rather pleased with the results:

I used to have some terrible time syncing my 900+ FB friends with the contact list of my HTC when more than 500 unneeded entries without a number were added to my contact list. I am not sure whether I used a similar app for Android. I have since learned not to trust cross-platform contact sync.

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