After @YaronGalai ,@Net , @mikeeisenberg , @GuyZo, @RanTav , @YaronSamid, @JayM and @OriLahav here is the TwInterview#9 (interview of israeli people i like to follow on Twitter) of @carmelventures (hold by Gilad de Vries)
Carmel Ventures is an leading israeli VC and was just nominated #1 VC in Israel by Globes
140 character profile description
With over $600m under management, Carmel ventures is one of Israel’s top-tier venture capital firms
A few stats ?
June 09, #385, 557 followers, following 487
How Do you use it ? What do you tweet about?Business and education - We tweet about any topic of interest such as market trends, news, interesting articles, portfolio announcements etc
How do you updates your Tweets?
From web or using Tweetdeck, any time we have anything of value to send
A few Twitter tips?Add value to the conversation, be honest and responsive, balance ratio of following to followers, register to twitter
What are your top 5 Twitter accounts you recommend and why?
Adds real value, provide news and updates: @TechCrunch, @CnetNews, @mashable. Great entrepreneurs,thought leaders @YaronGalai, @YaronSamid
You favorite Twitter app?
Topify, TweetDeck, MrTweet
What would you change with Twitter?
Add a TweetStore to look up applications, add-ons and widgets, embed a short URL service, add analytics to track impact
Technorati Tags: twitter israel interview twinterview