After @YaronGalai ,@Net , @mikeeisenberg , @GuyZo, @RanTav , @YaronSamid and @JayM here is Twinterview #8 (@OriLahav)
140 character profile description
Married +2, live in quiet Israeli town, Sailor, Kayaker, blogger (, podcaster (, CTO of @outbrain
A few stats ?
Don't remember when I joined, 338 updates to date, 124 followers, following 45 thinking of dropping some.
Personal stuff, @outbrain beta product for recommending stuff I loooove, asking & answering questions, did #memthem on memorial day.
How do you updates your Tweets?
The old fashion way -, on my Nokia from twibble or
A few Twitter tips?
Don't overflow, answer where you can help, let people know when you find a web gem
What are your top 5 Twitter accounts you recommend and why?
- @NathanMilford-IT eng from outbrain,very interesting guy.
- @ediggs-Old colleague from shopping, now VcCafe.
- @egalai- comedian, Finance guy by mistake.
- @rantav-My partner @reversim.
- @TechAviv - always something interesting going on.
You favorite Twitter app?
Not using many, Twibble is nice for Nokia. Topify made my followers management easier. I have idea for an app - anyone to take the challenge?
Make the links searchable. More functionality to (replies?). Referrers are always /home without the username :(
What would you change with Twitter?
Technorati Tags: twitter israel interview twinterview