We just hit a comment record both text and video on TechCrunch France thanks to an operation i called "Killer Startup" which was about posting a 30 sec video about an internet startup idea (serious or not). More than 220 comments including 65 videos. Seesmic the partner of the operation is mentioning it today in their daily show. See below
Engagement is to me the most important form of reward as a blogger. A blog that does not engage is not really a blog. A post should provoke a reaction. A rating, a comment, an email, a trackback, a video comment,...whatever.
Silence means either that that you don't have readers (not very rare), that it is boring (not very rare), that it is not written adequately and that readers do not perceive the necessity of a conversation (not rare). It can also mean your blog post is so perfect it does not need more (extremely unlikely)
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