I met a group of MBA students from the prestigious French business school ESCP EAP accompanied by Pr. Daniel Rouach. I was impressed by the knowledge of those students on the internet. We talked for 90 minutes about different things, TechCrunch and my job. Of course they asked me tones of questions on Israel. I am not sure how much of what i said was new to them. But what i realized is that new generations are internet generation: you don't need to explain them Facebook or Twitter or even Semantic search. They even laughed at the expression Web 3.
0 which is so useless and empty...It is just part of their life. Actually what i am realizing is that new generations have 2 lifes. Their real life and a digital one (Something i did not have when i was young). Internet is not a part of their life. It is their life. Therefore i believe the notion of "Geek" will soon disappear. What we have to learn they don't, They already do it naturally and fluently. New web apps should be design baring in mind that point.
The last thing i realized is that i am not that young any more!
ps: Thanks To Daniel Rouach for his great note and mention in IsraelValley (in French)