when i wrote the "10 reasons i thought twitter was better than email" i already had in mind the counter post. It was interesting to observe reactions around it though and the post generated lots of comments and Diggs. To be honest i don t what is better. All i know is that i use less and less email for personnal communication and more and more twitter. This is not representing any trend but i am sure a lot of people act like me.
- Email is stable: no uptime problems like on Twitter
- No need to explain email: Try to explain twitter around you. A big Challenge. Very big
- No need to remember your contacts: in twitter i never remember my friends nickname. In Gmail they auto complete
- No limits: 140 caracter is great. but no always. text is good but not always
- groups/lists on the go: this is something you cannot do on twitter: send a message to a group you decide on the go (should be a feature)
- Twitter in your Email, not the opposite: You can send and receive twitter from your email with TwitterMail and TwitterReply. I can't get my email in Twitter (actually i don t want)
- Privacy is Privacy: no risk of message exposed to someone you don't want (unless you send to someone not meant to be the recepient which happens a lot with autocomplete)
- Email is easier to turn off than Direct Message: just shut your browser, Direct messages need to be turned off each time in twitter settings
- Never miss a message: in twitter you never know. Actually to make sure i need to set a scan on my name "ouriel' which works well using TweetScan (lots of people write @ouriel instead of @ourielohayon). But luckily my name is ouriel and not Robert.
- History, History: clear cut, email is better to organize and search in your history.
- you don't have to read about email everyday in blogs: Twitter must be #2 subject on the blogosphere those days. number 1 being Twitter i guess also
Technorati Tags: twitter, email, blog
:) soon "why face to face is better than all this crap"
Posted by: Loic | 26 April 2008 at 09:08 PM
i guess you are meaning "why seesmic is better than all this crap" :)
Posted by: Ouriel Ohayon | 27 April 2008 at 09:14 AM