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17 March 2008



I Agree, but I am not sure that Email providers will be the ones to understand the trend ;)

Olivier Duprez alias ze kat

I have not same felling. I don't want to overload my mail box with social activities... Or feed my social board with my mail conversations. It's 2 universes where I work differently. Sometime I use Plaxo as a gate between these 2 universes.

And I think our social activities will become more and more heavy... More than our mailbox. And we need social aggregator which purpose features to filter and manage our network events.

That's why I embrace webmail spirit to build LiFELine profiles which detect already visited content, and allow any visitors to mark some entries "as read". And I will use same UI for my friendstream aggregator named SeekLine.
My goal: 2 universes, mail & social-networks. 2 inbox services with same UI spirit.


It's good subject to forum :) DNA :) hihi


hello. I read this articles I can say that It;s good to have mail with own DNA :)

Jay Meydad

I disagree regarding Xobni - I tried it a while ago and uninstalled after 2 weeks. blogged about it as well:

It is kind of a gimmick but I could not find it really useful. In addition it slowed down Outlook and did not provide a good email/desktop search experience, so I am back to my beloved X1.


I'm thinking e-mail is getting "overloaded" at this point - i.e. that it starts to serve too many purposes. I use mine both as an "alert dashboard" and a more "formal" system of communication, so there are actually 2 things going on: 1, alerts, which get deleted quickly, and 2, "letters", which I want to respond to, archive, etc.

Maybe I just need to have 2 inboxes - one for quick/shallow stuff like alerts, and one for longer, deeper threads. But at the same time I *like* having everything in one place, too. Distinguishing between the two and filtering/coping with both is an interesting challenge...

Hurrah for e-mail! :D

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