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01 November 2007



I'd say Google is moving away from "just" structuring the world's knowledge to what the web now is : instead of a pure content chain (find content through content) they now enable finding content through people who lead to new content (the content-people-content chain), not only on the Google network but also (and most important nowadays) outside.

I agree it's a very smart move as it is a mandatory ingredient in the new behavioural advertising space that is directly linked to building an external ecosystem that will rely on a vastly deployed open graph of people and relations. Next step : endorse openid ?


I'd say Google is moving away from "just" structuring the world's knowledge to what the web now is : instead of a pure content chain (find content through content) they now enable finding content through people who lead to new content (the content-people-content chain), not only on the Google network but also (and most important nowadays) outside.

I agree it's a very smart move as it is a mandatory ingredient in the new behavioural advertising space that is directly linked to building an external ecosystem that will rely on a vastly deployed open graph of people and relations. Next step : endorse openid ?

Ori lahav

The (not serious) answer...
Since they have so much money and so many talented engineers. They need to do something with it.
Eventually, it will be an effort that will only panic, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc... but they will eventually stay high in the market.

Do you remember applications called Froogle? or Google Checkout?
eBay, PayPal,, Shopzila, etc.. freaked out when they came out. and where they are now?

Few more engineers are stuffed with Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and the world has move on.

No need to stress from everything Google does.

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