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09 July 2007


adam benayoun

Marc's blog is very very addictive, his content is awesome and I must say that i came to almost the same conclusion.
I couldnt really understand where the "comments" disappeared, now I understand he couldnt keep up with the "spam cleaning".

I miss the interaction. I was also very proud of the fact he quoted one of my article!

Anyway, hope marc will turn on his comments and eventually get into a conversation with his readers.

adam benayoun

Another quick note, Marc has a list of "coming soon" posts, I never saw this on other blogs.
I usually know what I am going to blog about only the same day or a day before.


It's not really a blog in the pure sense if the information isn't timely... I wonder if it could be a new way to release books... one post at a time?

Marc Andreessen

Hi Ouriel -- thanks very much for the kind comments!

I'm flattered that you think the content is good enough that it must have been written in advance :-). Truth be told, it wasn't -- although in a sense I have been working on it for 13 years, since I arrived in Silicon Valley in 1994 -- it's just all been in my head the whole time.

I began the blog as an experiment and frankly wasn't all that sure what I'd write about. Then my repressed opinions started to come out :-). And the more I write, the more ideas I have for things to write, which is fun.

I usually write and post in the same day. The posts never start out long but sometimes they are by the time I finish. I try to edit them down as best I can.

I doubt I will ever do a book -- one of the things I love about blogging now that I'm doing it is that it fits much better with my style of work, which is short concentrated bursts. I'm not sure I'm capable of sitting still long enough to do a whole book, even assuming it would result in something that people would want to read.

I totally take your points on interacting with the community -- I'll be doing a lot more of that and I think your suggestions are great ones. I'm going to try to do more stuff like you suggest in my new design. I think comments are a nonstarter for me at least for right now -- too much spam, too many trolls. I think cross-linking and trackbacks and blog search engines like Technorati are a much better approach because they result in each person having responsibility for their own content. Will be writing more about that topic in the future.

Frankly, I bet there are some good startup ideas in that area :-).

Adrian -- I completely agree that blogs would be a new way to release books -- I think John Battelle very effectively used his blog to help seed his book in a way that was very interesting and helpful both for him and his readers, for example. Tim Ferriss is another guy who has really thought this through. My #1 recommendation to anyone who is going to publish a book would certainly be to have a blog going on the topic of the book at least six to twelve months in advance of the book, and to have real content on the blog that then ties into the book.


Ouriel, thanks for the "urge" - I followed your advice and am trying to keep up with this talkative ;-) blogger.

Louis van Proosdij

Marc Andreessen's blogging debuts reminds me Guy Kawasaki own start of the art of blogging... :-) I just hope Marc will succeed in keeping posting such amazing good content on a regular basis while Guy quickly dropped his rate and average quality.
Keep on posting Marc! :-)

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